Monday, August 08, 2011

Academic Trolls leak Perry Transcripts

What I want to know is if Perry's transcripts can be 'leaked' why hasn't anyone released Obamas? After all, Perry's credential if he ends up running won't be how well he did in school 40 years ago but his record as the three term governor of perhaps the best governed state in the nation.  By contrast Tuan Satu (Mr. The One in Indonesian) was elected despite having absolutely no executive experience whatsoever.  The argument was essentially:  "well he's so smart".  Yet despite teaching at the U of C for 20 years he never published a scholarly paper.  The evidence for his intelligence was his ability to smoothly read teleprompters and the fact that he got nominated.  In other words, the argument went:  "Obama should be elected because he is electable."

So, if he is Mr. supercalifagilisticexpialadocious intelligent, then why not show us?  We've seen Governor Perry's.  What does the Nobel Prize winning inventor of Hopium have to hide?  Obama may live to regret this leak.

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