Saturday, February 05, 2011

Yet Switzerland is filled with hob nobbing dictators and Presidents for Life

Hatred for America always was a sacrament of the US Left.  With The One they've had a tough go of it lately so no wonder they got excited when 'W' is coming to town.

A planned trip to Switzerland next week by George W. Bush was canceled after human rights activists called for demonstrations and threatened legal action over allegations that the former president sanctioned the torture of terrorism suspects. …
A lawyer for the organization said Bush’s appearance was canceled because of the risk of violence, and that the threat of legal action was not an issue.
“The calls to demonstrate were sliding into dangerous terrain,” the lawyer, Robert Equey, told the Swiss daily Tribune de Geneve.

Anti-Americanism isn't a mode of thought - it's a mechanism to avoid thought.  Hat tip, National Review

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