Saturday, February 05, 2011

This is awesome news. Really.

Dinesh D'Souza once quoted a friend who was moving to the US from India:  "For once I want to live in a country where the poor people are fat".  I grew up in countries where malnourished children roamed the streets and I can tell you with certainty: it is wonderful...wonderful news that obesity is a  big 'problem' in the world.  We should have more problems like this.  Hat tip Instapundit

THIS ACTUALLY REPRESENTS A TRIUMPH OVER ALL OF HUMAN HISTORY: “More than one in 10 of the world’s population is obese – more than half a billion adults – and rates have doubled since 1980.” Think about it: For millions of years, the normal condition of humanity was hunger. Now, it’s becoming overeating. Okay, that’s not ideal — but it’s actually progress. If the price of the escape from hunger and premature death is more fatties, that’s not a bad trade, really.

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