Saturday, April 17, 2010

Why do people persist in self defeating strategies?

Say like President Obama.  The jobless claims numbers trend since last November show that job losses are increasing.
How can that be, other macroeconomic indicators are roaring back to life.  Well lads: you radically increased the minimum wage (GWB idiocy too), you've told small and  mid-sized businesses that labor costs (and the risk of fines and prosecution around these costs) are going to explode, and you've fiddled with every other macroeconomic dial, usually in ways that make it harder for private enterprises to make ends meet.

With so much 'leadership' out of Washington we are entering our European Decadence phase.  With high unemployment  and shrinking futures for our kids.  The bright side?  BHO and the Dems will surely pay for pursuing the wrong strategy.

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