Saturday, April 10, 2010

Next time someone whines about 'gender wage inequality' show them this

Gender Survival Inequality is rather greater than wage inequality.  From Carpe Diem.

Male type work wages tend to be much higher because men die from them.  Oddly enough.  Look, I'm happy to talk about wage inequality but my debate opponents want to talk without referencing the actual data and economics.  Women see how much affluent, educated African Americans have benefited from being uber- victims and they want the same thing.  The first problem with this is that women in no way shape or form have been victims the way African Americans have.  Second, being our nation's uber-victims has been a disaster for the Black community, isolating them in a victim's ghetto while other peoples of 'color' zoom by them with everyone else, third, it's absurd to make 52 percent of the population 'victims' - if everyone's a victim, then no one is.

Colleges have succeeded in making men 'pay' so much that now they are seeing male attendance plummet to 40 percent of enrollments.  It's fallen so far that many colleges now discriminate in favor of men for admission only to discriminate against them when they get there.  Kafka never imagined a story as insane as the reality that our educational 'leaders' have built.  See here for the ugly truth.

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