Thursday, April 01, 2010

I've asked my friends to help me understand

...because I just don't get it.

1.   The CBO says that hcare spending under Obamacare will go from 17% of GDP today to 21 in 5 years.  Analysts project in 15 years it will be over 25% of GDP.  Far and away the most expensive in the world.
2.   The Democrats have also rapidly increased public education spending (most expensive in world) and higher education funding (most expensive in world) and have not reduced our defense commitments (most expensive in world).
3.   They’ve moved to protect government workers (most expensive in world) from the layoffs that everyone else has experienced and in fact are adding many tens of thousands as we speak.
4.   President Obama, Al Gore and the Democrats have told us that “Global Warming” is the “greatest existential threat” to the planet and that something needs to be done right now.
5.   If Anthropogenic Global Warming is such a threat, then why are our leaders committing roughly an incremental 10 percent of our GDP to new social programs over the next 15 years?
6.   I mean if AGW is the world’s biggest issue, shouldn’t our political leaders be figuring out how to free up money to fight it?  Shouldn’t the US be leading the fight?  Particularly with a man as grand and righteous as Barack Obama as our leader.
7.   If our leaders actually believe what they tell us, that is.
8. Or is this just another case of the ‘boys’ scammin’ us rubes for even more money?

I guess I just don’t understand how this game is played.  So I’m hoping someone can explain it to me.

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