Sunday, April 04, 2010

James Buchanan of George Mason University explained this a long time ago

The more unionized a state workforce it, the more deep in debt the state is.  Government workers technically work for the 'people' but in reality they work for themselves.  Their unions are simply a mechanism to funnel cash and votes to the politicians who will expand their payrolls, give them more bennies and wages, and ask no productivity or quality improvements whatsoever from them.

A lot of very reasonable people believe that public employee unions should be banned.  This is because they are in a position to vote higher their wages, benefits and working conditions to the detriment of the greater good.

A Public Servant is someone who makes the Public serve them.  Cut their pay, demand private industry productivity and cost.  Lay off the redundant and eliminate their functions.  If not we will all end up where CA, NY, NJ, IL and MI are today.  Broke and hopeless.

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