Friday, April 09, 2010

Church: Authorized Distributor of God's Gifts

Churches in America think about their mission backwards.  Seth Godin explains that in marketing the philosophy of Potlach (aka the Indian Tradition of gift giving) is key.  This applies to Churches as well.

God gave us all a great gift, indeed many great gifts.  He expects us to share those gifts with others.  In other words we should think about Church as being a huge gift distribution network rather than a building or set of programs.  And that has some implications for how we organize ourselves.  People who give gifts need to make sure that what they give is perceived by the receiver a a gift.  The gift needs to be 'wrapped' in certain ways and handed over in a certain style.  Many of the things we do in Church are driven by tradition (not scripture) and don't make sense as gifts.

The most important point is that Church is not primarily a service provider for its members but a change agent for the transformation of our world.  Its stance should be outward focused on gifts, not inwardly focused on 'services'.

You want to grow your Church? give as many exciting, appealing God centered gifts to as many people as you can.

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