Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Total system failure

The system is failing across the board and the Leader rants on about "programs" and "policies" and other nonesuch.  Lets review:

We are running trillion dollar deficits and on a path to double our national debt in 8 years.

Medicare is in the red, with the deficits mounting exponentially.

Social security has gone red nine years early.

Our programs embed within them well over 100 trillion in unfunded, unpayable liabilities.

Interest rates are at historic lows and signalling a massive rise, meaning interest expense will go through the roof.  To be paid by printing more IOUs.

A new, unsustainable, unfunded entitlement has been passed drenched in accounting and other fraud that upon implementation will immediately go red.

The housing market has been wrecked by government manipulation and subsidies, the President announcing a new subsidy and manipulation program this week which will lead to more wreckage down the line. Which will lead to more manipulation, more subsidies, which will lead to more wreckage.....

"Tax Eaters" (government employees) proliferate with the Feds making twice and state and local making 40 percent more than actual wealth producers.  The "Leader" says they're important, after all they run everything.

The cost of school and college continue to rise at two to three times inflation, all paid for by a government that is broke.

The Federal government owns most of the domestic auto industry which is being run on behalf of its unions, they increasingly dominate the financial services sector with ever more intrusive and pointless laws.

The same people who've brought us educational, healthcare and financial chaos are working diligently to bring the energy markets under complete fascist suzerainty, actually seeking as a stated goal to double the price of energy.

The deep blue states:  California, Illinois, Michigan, New Jersey, New York are functionally bankrupt and with the exception of New Jersey, flailing deeper into bankruptcy with each passing day.

And now the dollar is starting to falter - blue chips are getting rates better than the Federal government, the auctions are ever more sparsely attended.  Nobody seems to be interested in holding dollars anymore.  The Euro's collapse has hidden its weakness but not for much longer.

Whole countries are sliding into bankruptcy.  First Greece, then Portugal, Spain, Italy.

Our "Leaders" are piling theft upon theft, chaos upon chaos, stupidity upon stupidity until the entire rotten stinking edifice collapses in total system failure.

People always think they have more time than they do.  One day, sooner than we think, the end will come 'as in the twinkling of an eye' and the wails will be pitiful to behold.  And when the hegemon goes bankrupt the world explodes in chaos.

And the "Leader" drones on and on and on.  We turn to each other:  "what did he say?".  And we make a note:  "Don't hire, don't invest, don't take risks....at least until this clown is gone".

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