Wednesday, March 10, 2010

BLS Issues Official National Stats on Public vs. Private Comp

Again: is this what Liberalism was all about: getting more cash to the boys? I thought it was supposed to be about helping the poor, healing the environment, caring for this, that and the other. Boy what rubes we've been.

Hail to the looters.

1 comment:

  1. A year ago my sister in law asked me how it was possible that the tax takers could make more than the tax payers. My answers were two:
    1. Public employee unions have grafted themselves to the taxing class (they pay each other with our money), and
    2. Their efforts would prompt a radical snap-back. It started with the tea parties, it pushed through the summer town halls, and now it's mainstream.

    We are going to have an electoral tsunami in November already. If they pass ObamaCare and start hiring another 4mm statists into health care (Pelosi's number), they won't be able to climb or fly across the human cordon that will form around the capital, pitchforks and torches in hand.
