Sunday, March 21, 2010

Do the Obami have an Israel Policy?

The Wapo asks the question:

“Experts question whether U.S. has a real Israel strategy or ‘talking points’”

And to ask it is to answer it: No. Obama is simply (how do I put this?) Carteresque.

1 comment:

  1. I disagree. It's obvious we have an Israel policy. It's to encourage them to move somewhere else (undetermined), and give the area to Hamas.

    Why else would he have have unilaterally decided to condemn Israelis from building in Israeli Jerusalem (a topic long settled, and not disputed by the Palestinians until BO demanded it)? Why would they be unwilling to confront the Iranians in a meaningful way, or offer any support to the Green Revolution there? Why apologize to Khadaffi? Why scuttle the 'peace process' he advocated on the campaign?

    What other reason could there be? All those Harvard and Yale degrees suggest they most of some sense of cause and effect...

    They are anti-Israel, and it's that simple. And that is the policy. Watch what they do, not what they say.
