Sunday, March 28, 2010

Carbs, not fat increase arteriosclerosis - say experts

From slate, a survey of the latest conclusions on diet and health. It turns out the things that the experts said were good for us are now bad for us and vice versa. This says less about the science than about the process of science in service to lecturing nannies. The reality is that science knows very little and what they know is tempered by caveats. By contrast the fascists who rule our society have nothing but certainty - they'll take whatever 'facts' that are at hand to justify their pronouncements and mandates.

The key for the fascists is state action - being perceived by the people as 'saving' them. The real, tentative scientific facts don't really matter to them. Indeed regardless of where the science goes, the fascists are happy - the key is power, not truth.

I recommend ignoring all experts and politicians telling you how to live - trust the tried and true that has come down through history. It's hard to tell who's the bigger fool: experts giving this advice or the people that take it.

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