Tuesday, March 23, 2010

So why did they do it?

Independent analysts estimate that Obamacare will increase healthcare spending from 17 to 21 percent of GDP by 2015. According to the UN’s WHO, Singapore has the 7th best healthcare system in the world that costs a mere 3.5% of the affluent city-state’s GDP.

Now if you were a consumer and were offered the 37th best healthcare for 21% of income or the 7th best for 3.5% of income what would you choose?

So clearly our fearless leaders didn’t make the ‘consumer friendly choice’. Why?

Two possibilities present:

1. Many of the Democrats were educated by those crackerjack inner city public schools, maybe their math skills are a bit rusty. This could be a possibility, but BHO was educated at the tony Punaho Academy, Columbia and Harvard and we know that the Ivy leaguers are geniuses, so I assume BHO would have told the rest of the Dems that they could give the people better healthcare for one sixth the cost even if he did have to explain the concept of fractions to them.

2. The Democrat's goal was something other than high quality, affordable healthcare for the people.

So, the question of the hour is: what could that “other” goal be?

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