Sunday, March 28, 2010

Now this is sweet 2

The lack of enforcement mechanisms offers a path forward for the Tea Party and Republicans.

1. Make sure that teeth do not get added to the bill. This should be rather easy because no Democrat will want to reopen the debate and after November, they won't have the power.

2. Make sure all Americans understand what will happen in 2014. Make sure that all Tea Party and Republican stalwarts cancel their policies the day Obamacare goes live.

3. This will lead to a one third to one half decline in insurance company revenues, they will not be able to pay their claims without massive 50 percent increases in rates on the remaining insured. This will lead to another 20 percent of the population to ditch their insurance, leading to the collapse of the insurance companies.

4. Now this is what the Obami want - they know that their policy programs massive rate increases in due to moral hazard, but they want things to play out over five years so that the natural American aversion to state corporations can be destroyed and the path for a million employee national health insurance system laid.

5. If the system collapses in one quarter, then the most likely outcome would be immediate repeal along with a major cut back in the applicability of insurance - yielding a national catastrophic insurance risk pool and consumer driven health care.

I hope we are able to turn this around before this drastic action must be taken, but if it comes to that, we know how to kill Obamacare in an afternoon. And I have no doubt that we will.

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