Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Little John's Libelous, Lying Lizards or the day the Skink turned

I encountered this little lad of a lizard wandering half frozen in the street.  I picked him up, saving him from certain splat. Not that he appreciated it.  No this stinkin' Spink just bitched at me as if it was my fault the tiny oaf was lost. Thus it was not surprising when I found out that this grumbling gecko wannabe was in fact the nephew of Little John Spink.  You remember Little John - he was the Spink I saved from certain smoosh on the bikepath last fall.  He too was ungrateful, telling me to get the hell off of his patch of path or else.

So for the record I would like to point out that I have been belittled by two little lying lizard lads laying languidly on bike and car paths. Languid laddish laying lizards that are lousy with lies linking me to lizard smashing.  Unlike these lazy lying little lampooning lizard lads I had the decency to save them despite their lampoons, laziness and libelous lies about my links to lizard deaths. They call it the Luck 'o the Lazy, Lying, Laying Lizard Lads who Lampoon and Libel those Lizard saviors they are Linked to.

To L with them all!

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