Thursday, December 11, 2014

Feminists are the true heirs to the KKK and young men are their Scottsboro Millions

Jonah Goldberg points out the irony that fake rape charges was one of the key ways that racists kept black men down. In part because it is so easy to get middle class white women to panic.  Just like all the middle class white feminists are doing today.  They are so full of their own false righteousness that they can't even see the irony of their bigotry.  Eventually Murder Will Out, though.

Scottsboro is a landmark case in the history of the civil-rights movement and the American justice system. Sadly, it was hardly an outlier. There’s a long, tragic history of African-American men being wrongly accused and convicted of rape. The most notorious recent example is the 1989 case of the Central Park Five, in which four African-American teens and one Latino were wrongly accused and convicted of brutally raping a white woman in New York.

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