Thursday, December 04, 2014

Broken windows policing only works in a common culture where everyone agrees on what should be against the law.

If a behavior ceases to be overwhelmingly disapproved its policing becomes oppression rather than enforcement. There was a time when adults exposing their bare legs would have been considered disorder. No longer. In a city where the price of a pack of cigs has been jacked to 10 dollars selling loose smokes is a public service, not a crime. To be strangled to death for it as Eric Garner was is an obscenity and murder no matter what the corrupt Grand Jury system concluded.

The problem is the brutal punishment of disapproved commercial activity that large minorities or even majorities do not consider felonious such as street vending, marjuana crimes and so forth. It is Immoral for an elite to establish felonies for things that are not overwhelmingly considered to be felonious. To do increases by the act of enforcement the feeling of disorder that "broken windows" policing seeks to lower. It's just that the new crimes are committed at the behest and by employees of an out of control state.

And curiously this majoritarian  approach works for non commercial crimes like homosexuality, the level of acceptable display of public nudity and other behaviors. But when it comes to commerce the state gets greedy and cruel. Probably a legacy of our leftward party's contempt for commerce.

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