Monday, October 06, 2014

The times they are a changin' - when progressives steal, Civil Forfeiture Edition

The problem with our Progressive order is that the people pushing the progress are increasingly thieves and thugs.  John Oliver explains what Civil Forfeiture it is in this absolutely hilarious video.

Question:  if I don't buy the right Obamacare insurance, can they take my extra kidney?  Hmmm.  It's clearly a criminal kidney at that point and I don't technically need it for my life and everyone knows that liberty doesn't count anymore and that it's the government's job to make sure that I'm happy, not mine.  Hmmm.  Tricky. Most asset forfeiture is (ostensibly) used for other victimless crimes like drug trafficking and failing to give the police and prosecutors as much money as they wanted in their budget. Wait:  that's not victimless, that's heinous.

It's a serious subject.  Because when law enforcement become thieves then they're nothing but the stationary bandits we had to fight off in the Dark ages to make a civilization.  Not that there's much civilization left these days - just looters and the looted.

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