Wednesday, October 29, 2014

So MIT students are stupid after all: 67% of undergrads believe it is possible to "accidently rape" someone.

I doubt if two thirds of German college students ever even thought Jews were "dirty" under Hitler. The fascist brainwashing of college kids is getting out of hand.  They tell their insane lies simply to serve the Democrats "war on women" political campaign. This is tragic madness. Will No one stand up to academe's cynical, brutal fraud?

But students are confused about how alcohol and intoxication affect consent, which perhaps speaks to increasing progressive activism around the idea that drunk people can’t give consent. Only about three-quarters of respondents said they feel confident in their own ability to judge whether someone is too intoxicated to consent to sex. And more than half agreed that “rape and sexual assault can happen unintentionally, especially if alcohol is involved.”

I just want to repeat that one more time: Half of the MIT students surveyed think it’s possible to “accidently” rape someone. When you consider undergraduates alone, this rises to 67 percent.

If not we are really going to have to pare this collegiate monstrosity back lest it destroy our democracy with its agitprop.

College: no longer just venal but positively evil.

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