Tuesday, April 01, 2014

Getting the one percent wrong

The Atlantic has finally figured out the obvious about income inequality statistics:  the people at any income percentile change from year to year and this churning is particularly true at the very top.  People make a bunch of money one year and lose money the next. they get fired and get an equity payout, they sell their business and take a gain.  The truth is that the one percent is actually composed of many percents.  It's funny that this is just occurring to the bien pensants.  It's not because they're stupid, rather I believe it's because that detail isn't useful ideologically - it lowers the impact and force of the 'income unfairness' argument that is all the range among port siders.

Here's the article - if you're like me you won't learn anything except that what we know is heavily determined by what we believe, not the other way round.  Which makes it hard to get anything done.

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