Saturday, April 19, 2014

The many ways that Obamacare hurts, the Young, Poor, and Disadvantaged Minorities

"Progressives" believe that they and only they care for the poor, minorities and young and that Republicans and conservatives are malign forces that pursue policies that harm the "other" probably because they "hate" them or at least are "objectively racist". So it's fun for this objectively racist hater to catalog the many ways that this administration's signature social welfare program harms the poor, young and minorities. That being said it is tragic that I'm able to mock the left because of something they are doing that hurts so many weak, vulnerable and most importantly, gullible "believers". But you you can't build a progressive paradise by screwing the rich and powerful now can you?  Eggs and omelets dontchaknow?

How the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act neither protects nor provides affordable care to the young:
  1. Forces them to buy expensive comprehensive prepaid healthcare insurance policies when on a total, all in basis it is much cheaper for them to buy catastrophic policies.
  2. Mom 'n Dad (50-65) spend 5x on healthcare vs. their kids in their 20s.  By limiting price differentials to 3x, the young are paying roughly twice as much as before. (well except in New York which prior to O'care was the most expensive, most broken individual health insurance market in the country - so much so that no one bought individual insurance - it was too expensive.  Oddly enough, O'care replicates the most lunatic features of the New York market).
  3. Forces single men to buy female care insurance that they cannot possibly use.  Even if they had a sex change. But the guys probably deserve it, the sexist, rapist bastards. 
  4. And this much more expensive insurance does not provide access to the best doctors or facilities.  You get to compete with Medicaid patients for the C level care.
  5. Crushes the young with many trillions of additional unfunded future government liabilities and debts.
  6. All so mom 'n dad who are much wealthier and have much higher incomes (and much more political clout) can get their health care for far, far less than it costs.  Who says fortune doesn't favor the powerful?  "But we promise that when you get old and the country's bankrupt, you'll get to screw your kids and grandkids just like we diddled you. We swear, honest injun, would we lie to you?  After all, we're you're parents, we love you.'"
How the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act neither protects nor provides affordable care to the poor:
  1. The poor were all on Medicaid before being 'saved', now Medicaid has been 'expanded' to many millions of the 'near poor'.  With expanded meaning "we printed up a shitload of new Medicaid cards with people's names on 'em".
  2. The number of providers accepting Medicaid remains constant.  Constant at a level that was insufficient to provide timely access to the poor, much less the near poor.
  3. To keep the O'care private plans looking at least marginally affordable despite all of the massive cost shifting, mandated benefit expansions and comunity rating and shall issue regs, the Obami encouraged extremely narrow networks that excluded all of the high cost, high quality providers.  All of the providers that participated are likely major Medicaid providers.  Meaning that the poor will now compete with the non-poor middle aged chronic healthcare needs patient for access to the pool of providers that was insufficient when it was just for the poor.  They will lose that battle.  Badly.
How the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act neither protects nor provides affordable care to 'disadvantaged' minorities:

  1. Blacks, hispanics and native Americans are much younger than the population at large, so they suffer all of the disabilities that the young do.
  2. They are much poorer than average so they will suffer the cruelties that this law imposes on the poor.
  3. They are much more likely to die of violent causes and less likely to die of chronic causes, the result is that even more of the spending will shift to middle aged white and asian recipients and away from them.
  4. They have never  had equal access to the top of the healthcare pyramid.  With the advent of O'care even this limited access will be truncated.

All in all, these three groups have gotten quite a return on their slavish loyalty to the Obami and Dems, haven't they?  Well, we don't call 'em rubes for nothing.

God I love progressives don't you? Their continuing success is an affront to those of us who think that we are good at the racist hating game.  We're pikers compared to the Obami.

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