Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Why Wikileaks is particularly bad for 'Progressive' Foreign Policy

Heather Hurlburt of the New Republic hits the nail on its organic, free range head.  Wikileaks is bad for for liberals.  Three reasons:
  1. Lefties love talking, the more the better.  By publishing all that is said, Wikileaks makes a lot of jaw-jaw much more dangerous and less productive.
  2. Wikileaks means less openness:  It has shown the striped pants boys to be incapable of keeping secrets giving potent arguments to the Military that fewer secrets should be shared with the namby-pambies at State. 
  3. Less talking and less trust mean complex 'progressive' castles in the air like START and the like are vastly harder to create.  Multilateralism becomes particularly hard to pull off when all of the multi's are reading each other's back room deals with Mr. Big (mouth).
Less trust, less openness, less complexity, less kumbaya multi-lateralism.  All in all a recipe for a more traditional, unilateral, power based foreign policy.

"To hell with all this striped pants stuff that doesn't work, we should just blow those boys away like we did back in doublya-doublya two".  After all, you can't leak a Hellfire.

Addendum:  Clintonista James Rubin makes the obvious point:
By and large, the hard left in America and around the world would prefer to see the peaceful resolution of disputes rather than the use of military force. World peace, however, is a lot harder to achieve if the U.S. State Department is cut off at the knees. And that is exactly what this mass revelation of documents is going to do. The essential tool of State Department diplomacy is trust between American officials and their foreign counterparts. Unlike the Pentagon which has military forces, or the Treasury Department which has financial tools, the State Department functions mainly by winning the trust of foreign officials, sharing information, and persuading. Those discussions have to be confidential to be successful. Destroying confidentiality means destroying diplomacy.

Lefty:  meet thy petard.  You hoist it by pulling this strap right here.

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