Thursday, December 23, 2010

There is no Obama "Comeback"

Jennifer Rubin on the "Obama Comeback":

I'm getting whiplash trying to follow the Democrats' talking points. First, it was a disaster when Obama agreed to extend the Bush tax cuts. Obama was a wimp. Then it was a horrid error to allow the omnibus spending bill to die (and with it all that funding for ObamaCare). The White House, liberals complained, also blew it on the DREAM act. And now, presto: Obama has mounted a phenomenal comeback!
The reality is that the left is so invested in it's racialist 'President of Color' meme it will define whatever BHO does as 'righteous'.  This is what happens when you put politics and power at the center of your world.   Last week the New Republic was bemoaning the Dems lack of 'religious' outreach:  I disagree, they have lots of 'religious outreach' - it's just that for most of their activists that religion is power.  They're reaching out for that 24/7.

The key to principled, effective governance is to place the Author of Life at the center and then build upon Him.  Without God's truth, politics and governance are just a mad power grab.

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