Sunday, October 05, 2014

It would be easier to take the "Global Science Community's" word for global warming had not virtually every other environmental crisis been so wildly exaggerated

Politicians are liars, we all know that but Political Scientists take advantage of our respect for science to stampede us into rash actions that often line their pockets.  They are the worst liars of all.

Matt Ridley:

This kind of eco-exaggeration has been going on for 50 years. In the 1960s Rachel Carson said there was an epidemic of childhood cancer caused by DDT; it was not true — DDT had environmental effects but did not cause human cancers.

In the 1970s the Sahara desert was said be advancing a mile a year; it was not true — the region south of the Sahara has grown markedly greener and more thickly vegetated in recent decades.

In the 1980s acid rain was said to be devastating European forests; not true — any local declines in woodland were caused by pests or local pollution, not by the sulphates and nitrates in rain, which may have contributed to an actual increase in the overall growth rate of European forests during the decade.

In the 1990s sperm counts were said to be plummeting thanks to pollution with man-made “endocrine disruptor” chemicals; not true — there was no fall in sperm counts.

In the 2000s the Gulf Stream was said to be failing and hurricanes were said to be getting more numerous and worse, thanks to global warming; neither was true, except in a Hollywood studio.

And he also points out in the piece that the Ozone layer was never a crisis either.  Read the whole thing.

Stop lying to us big science and we'll stop disbelieving you.

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