Thursday, July 28, 2011

Cato: No real cuts in the Boehner Plan

And this is the most conservative and 'totally unacceptable' budget package that the 'right wing' 'tea party' dominated House could pass.  The Federal government is a totally broken institution that is completely unmoored from fiscal reality.  Which is why we need to break it up.  Break it all up.  Because most assuredly if we don't it will break us up.

CATO: Boehner’s New Plan Doesn’t Actually Cut Spending. “The ‘cuts’ in the Boehner plan are only cuts from the CBO baseline, which is an assumed path of constantly rising spending. . . . The way to make real spending cuts is to abolish programs and agencies. But it’s been eight months since a landslide election that focused on the issue of spending cuts, and the Republican leadership hasn’t proposed any major terminations.”

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