Saturday, July 16, 2011

Cal State tripled admins while adding almost no new faculty

This is characteristic of bureaucratic systems that are not subject to competitive markets.  Not having a true customer (someone interested in both outcomes and their costs) and facing no meaningful competition (someone that competes on all dimensions) the institution adds non value added programs and never prunes them.  All institutions whether they be automakers, charities or governments are subject to this type of bureaucratization which is why the first goal of policy makers should be to introduce as much true (cost and outcome) competition into the delivery of all goods and services.

Because frankly, we can't afford this shit anymore.

“WHERE HAS ALL THE MONEY GONE?” Thoughts On Administrative Bloat In Higher Education. “Based on data in the California State University Statistical Abstract, the number of full-time faculty in the whole CSU system rose from 11,614 to 12,019 between 1975 and 2008, an increase of only 3.5 percent. In the same time period the total number of administrators rose 221 percent, from 3,800 to 12,183. In 1975, there were three full time faculty members per administrator, but now there are actually slightly more administrators than full-time faculty.”

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