Saturday, October 23, 2010

More evidence that Rachel Carson was a stone cold killer - Malaria kills far more than estimated

Rachel Carson made her name and career (and a boatload of money) campaigning against DDT:  the safest pesticide in history.  Despite mounting evidence that banning DDT was a mistake that was killing first millions, then tens of millions of poor people around the world, she hung on to her 'moneymaker'.  Well now it turns out that the horrible butcher's bill that DDT free malaria is could be grossly underestimated.

Rachel Carson:  a curse on our world worse in human terms than Adolf Hitler.  Misguided 'liberalism' is not a problem, it's a horror.

Of course those that die are young and brown and don't live in Westchester, Georgetown, or Santa Monica so who gives a shit?

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