Friday, October 29, 2010

The modern version of the Anita Hill hit job

People from the past making money and status points by smearing conservatives that are unpopular with the news media seems to be a growth industry, doesn't it.  Contrast this instasmear with the desperate attempts by the news media to avoid the Clinton, Gore, and Edwards sex scandals - among others.

KATIE GRANJU: Hell freezes over: I defend Christine O’Donnell. “The obnoxious first person accounting from the anonymous asshat who says he went on a single date with her three years ago – and whom Gawker admits to paying ‘in the low four figures’ for the story and photos – actually tells the tame tale of a woman who DID NOT have sexual intercourse during what Gawker describes tantalizingly as a ‘one night stand.’” Yeah, everybody’s piling on this lame hitjob, all across the partisan divide. Nick Denton is a uniter, not a divider!

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