Sunday, September 12, 2010

Terry Jones, Koran burning and permanent muslim outrage

Michelle Malkin points out that Muslims do not require an actual affront to riot, bomb, murder and shriek.  You don't need to burn the Koran, you can simply sell ice cream or shoes with an inappropriately swirly label or let your muslim kindergarteners name their pet stuffed bear Mohammed (which of course is the most common Man's name but obviously a vicious desecration when named for a stuffed bear).  A certain class of Muslims need no provocation to rape, pillage and murder.  Which of course is a lesson that shouldn't be that hard to learn given 9/11.

But our 'brilliant', 'ivy league', 'elites', keep telling us that if we just don't offend them, they will not be offended.  Our 'elites' aren't bright enough to notice that our very existence offends them.  In particular the type of western existence preferred by Ivy league elites - you know, booze and drug soaked, sexually debauched, homosexual, atheist.

Essentially our 'intellectual elites' are saying 'please you guys, don't offend them for they will come and kill us guys'.

Behavior has consequences, gang.  And it's just about time our Ivy cliche slingers learned that.

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