Sunday, September 12, 2010

According to the NYT (aka the great and the good) every scientific finding justifies more fascism

They've discovered a new phase in our life called 'emerging adulthood' and you guessed it, the 'great and the good' have identified it as one more reason to take your money and spend it on them (well of course it's for the (24 yo) children).

This shameless elite profiteering has destroyed their reputations.  Don't they realize that?  What jokes.  Here's the NYT in full brain dead bucks for the boys mode:

How about expanding programs like City Year, in which 17- to 24-year-olds from diverse backgrounds spend a year mentoring inner-city children in exchange for a stipend, healthinsurance, child care, cellphone service and a $5,350 education award? Or a federal program in which a government-sponsored savings account is created for every newborn, to be cashed in at age 21 to support a year’s worth of travel, education or volunteer work — a version of the “baby bonds” program that Hillary Clinton mentioned during her 2008 primary campaign? Maybe we can encourage a kind of socially sanctioned “ rumspringa,” the temporary moratorium from social responsibilities some Amish offer their young people to allow them to experiment before settling down. It requires only a bit of ingenuity — as well as some societal forbearance and financial commitment — to think of ways to expand some of the programs that now work so well for the elite, like the Fulbright fellowship or the Peace Corps, to make the chance for temporary service and self-examination available to a wider range of young people. [emphasis added]

It's obvious that the NYT is run by 'emerging adults' desperately in need of true adult supervision.  But the question emerges:  are there any adults on the left anymore?  As they say:  read the whole self serving, rent seeking thing.

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