Saturday, August 21, 2010

If you want to know what America thinks, ask Scotty Rasmussen

And top of mind?  Only 23% believe that the Federal Government governs with the consent of the governed.

You can tell it's a volatile political year when a balding, middle-aged pollster gets a standing ovation from hundreds of state legislators after delivering the news that only 23% of the people in this country believe today's federal government has the consent of the governed.

"Americans don't want to be governed from the left or the right," Scott Rasmussen tells the American Legislative Exchange Council, a conference of 1,500 conservative and moderate legislators. "They want, like the Founding Fathers, to largely govern themselves with Washington in a supporting—but not dominant—role. The tea party movement is today's updated expression of that sentiment.
I think it's time we started taking the evil, ugly edifice that is the Feds apart and hand the money and the responsibility back to the people where it belongs.

The Federal Government is the enemy of liberty. It is our enemy.

More here.

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