Monday, September 26, 2011

Thank you Mr. Obama

Being a libertarian Christian I have long predicted that our century long love affair with the 'progressive' state would end in tears.  Now it seems that time has come.  Somehow that doesn't really make me feel good.  Most people dreamed of an omnicompetent, god-like state that would take away our tears without taking away our humanity.  They didn't realize that all they did was transfer who held their chains - from their families and local business men who were humans that they knew to a remote, faceless and pitiless bureaucracy.  There is only one God and our attempts to substitute the state for Him are the worst form of blasphemy.

No wonder it doesn't work.

HOW’S THAT HOPEY-CHANGEY STUFF WORKIN’ OUT FOR YA? (CONT’D): Americans Express Historic Negativity Toward U.S. Government. Including this: “49% of Americans believe the federal government has become so large and powerful that it poses an immediate threat to the rights and freedoms of ordinary citizens. In 2003, less than a third (30%) believed this.”

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