Tuesday, July 27, 2010

If we're gonna do socialism, can't we at least do it competently like Canada?

Kevin Williamson: "If we're gonna do socialism, let's at least do it competently like Canada". Kevin famously quit the Republican party over its pathetic me too profligacy during Bush. Now he's had to admit he wishes that we had the Bush level of profligacy back. He points out that we've got the worst of both worlds. Spectacular, epochal wasteful spending, a lousy economy and horrifically expensive, crappy government services. Are there any good government Liberals left out there? Because the Chicago boys are raping your dream. Read the whole thing here:  Words I Never Expected To Type - Exchequer - National Review Online.

Here's the key paragraph:   "Whatever you think about socialism, here is an undeniable fact: Canadians are better at it than Americans are. We are managing to inflict the costs of welfare statism on ourselves without even deriving any of the benefits: Heritage now ranks Canada’s economy as more free than that of the United States. Its government spending is only marginally higher than our own, and its government institutions are much cleaner and more effective. It went into the financial crisis with low levels of government debt and a sounder banking system, thanks in no small part to the fact that the Canadian government is not as dominated by narrow financial interests as the U.S. government is. (Question: Why is it that the lefties who rightly appreciated what a rent-seeking nightmare our financial system is do not see that they have just helped to create a substantially similar situation in the health-care industry? Just askin’.)"

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