Thursday, July 15, 2010

But what does it all mean, Basil?

Mike Barone points out that while the Unions haven't gotten card-check from the Obami, they've gotten a lot of other goodies.

Tom Sowell notes that trillions in new money have been pumped into the economy only to sit on balance sheets and in bank accounts because people have too much uncertainty to invest.  "Velocity" has collapsed.

The Chamber of Commerce - a group that got on famously with the Clintonistas is in open warfare with the Administration:  publicly and pointedly refusing to invite BHO to speak to their national meeting (BHO made "history" with this one).

The Double paid, half productive, unionized bureaucracy continues to ponderously masticate the 2,000 unreadable pages of the healthcare 'reform'.  Almost weekly a new mess or fiddle/favor pops up.  This is while Massachusetts desperately pursue any gimmick they can find to keep their 'prototype' Obamacare system alive  long enough to dump the entire steaming pile in the Feds lap and let the magic money machine (aka:  our totally screwed kids) fund the exponential growth that 'benefits' without prices inevitably creates.  And actuaries tell us that sheeple filled MA is actually the state with the highest probability of success for top down, corporatist health care.  The chaos in California is going to be epic - Ben Hur plus Moses, plus All the Star Wars and Harry Potter movies channelling The Day the World Stood Still and Armaggedon.

And Congress, unsatisfied with healthcare chaos is now writing 2,000 unreadable pages to 'reform'  the next two largest industrial sectors:   Finance and Energy.  And this is after 30 years of "education reform" which has tripled real K-12 spending per pupil and quintupled college costs with no discernable change in educational outcomes.  And Agriculture is set to go from being 'ruinously wasteful robbery of the poor to give to the rich' to being that plus environmentally destructive and promoting higher food prices and global hunger.  Maybe the poor can eat the pulverized bird parts falling from all of those 20 story cuisinarts.

Oh, and it turns out the Obami have started a new subsidized agency debt program - bankrupt states like Illinois are issuing billions in "Build America" bonds subsidized and underwritten by the Feds so that they can 'fund' their pension obligations.  Not satisfied with Federalizing Education, Healthcare, Energy, and Finance, they're going to in effect Federalize state Finance.

They say that in quicksand you need to stay calm and stop flailing.  The Obami haven't flailed the country, they've actually been diving us deeper and deeper into the sand on the theory that we will give up and  accept bankruptcy and suffocation by a permanent lawyer ruler caste.

Dean Vermer of Faber College said it best:  "Drunk and stupid is no way to go through life, Son" - This is turning out to be the Drunk Frat-boy version of US government.  Our allies say they are increasingly 'perplexed' by US leadership.  'Perplexed" in Euro Speak  means "What the F, I mean, what the Fing F?  Are you chaps out of your Fing minds?"

Sometimes lessons are hard.

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