Sunday, June 15, 2014

Wait, this can't be right: Tea party filled with educated people

In general those on the right are better educated and informed than those on the left which isn't surprising when  you remember that half of the left are poor and/or disadvantaged minorities.  But this is also true when you compare your average right wing tradesperson (carpenter, plumber, sanitation engineer) to your average left wing academic.  The lefty boffin 'knows' a lot more 'stuff' but most of it isn't true or if true is not useful for real life.  And living in a bizarro world bubble like a University is not conducive to grokking reality. I think the righties are stupid routine relates to our reluctance to embrace silly new academic theory - we're stupid the way that the kid in the Emperor's New Clothes story was.  And that ticks the semantic tailors of academe off to no end.  When they say you're wearing a chiffon negligee you're wearing a gosh darn chiffon negligee!  Words is reality or something like that.

But don't tell em we can read and cipher and all, it helps us for the lefties to be stupid about us bein' dumb and all.

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