Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Love is hate, war is peace and our Federal government is good and protects and provides for us

Orwell taught us that one of the keys to successful totalitarianism is persuading the masses to accept obvious lies as the truth.  Hence the war is peace meme.  Our current crop of would be totalists don't put it in such crude terms but essentially are saying the same things.  For example, I note that GM has been forced to recall another 3.4 million cars.  Ok, so it goes for the worst run major car company in the US.  But GM in its incompetent extremity has delivered over the past 25 years (and I know because 20 years ago I was consulting full time to GM)  better product at lower real prices year after year after year to the extent that economy cars built by GM today perform better than many luxury cars did back then.

It is ironic that an organization that has gotten much worse, delivering less for a much higher cost, incapable of doing the most basic things and routinely implicated in large political and criminal scandals is tasked with dictating 'good business practice' to businesses that by and large are vastly superior in performance, efficiency, responsiveness and ethical behavior to the entity that supposedly regulates them.  Truly the meme that the government is all of us working together for our good and protects us from venal private industry is the greatest of the great Orwellian lies.  Yet it is taught at every school, preached from virtually every news pulpit and is the highest of the high holy truths imparted from our Ivy covered universities.  Who by the way equal the Federal Stupor State in exemplifying incompetent venality while loudly anathematizing it in others.

War is peace, love is hate and our Federal government is good and protects and provides for us.  Yep, we've been at war with that lie longer than we've been at war with Eastasia and Eurasia combined.

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