Saturday, January 28, 2012

The Experts: Biased in favor of hysteria

There are many honest scientists but they don't get funded. Because if there is no crisis, there is no money. The result, the most alarmist studies with the most alarmist interpretations are presented. They are then magnified by a press with a business interest in sensationalizing them. The result: demands that the state step in and 'do something'. The outcome is usually expensive, coercive and if not actively destructive, simply pointless. This unholy alliance of unethical scientists and power hungry state actors is causing our society to slowly but surely seize up.

Can't you please just leave us alone?

In fact, what the study reveals is the devastating impact that careless advocacy research can have on truth. The report proposes an array of ambitious government-sponsored “prevention strategies” and recommends “multi-disciplinary service centers” offering survivors psychological and legal counseling as well as housing and economic assistance. But survivors of sexual violence would be better served by good research and sober estimates — not inflated statistics and sensationalism.
The agency’s figures are wildly at odds with official crime statistics.
But perfectly aligned with funding prospects. Me, I’d rather see the CDC work on controlling actual diseases. rather than redefining behavior as a disease. But I was pointing out the politicization of public health back when InstaPundit was new.

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