Friday, April 08, 2011

The left was enraged, energized, funded by national unions in Wisconsin against an elderly heretofore non-partisan justice....

....and they lost.  Hope!  Change!  HT Jim Geraghty at NRO

The Ace of Spades is downright giddy about the implications: "A lot of people have pointed out: This officially means Wisconsin is a purple state. It might even be reddish. Even if it had been an even split -- what the hell? We heard for weeks about how outraged the left was, how animated. Because I still get my news, even second-hand, from the media, I got the impression the left was roaring back. But they never bothered to report how animated the right still was, huh? They sort of wishcasted that all away, huh? So, at the end of the day, in an election the left poured money and energy in to, and had the media faithfully singing from their hymnals . . . we won. In Wisconsin. I don't know -- I think based upon this Wisconsin is officially 'Lean GOP' in November."

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