Monday, April 04, 2011

Cyberspace: the last frontier for the statists

The internet is unregulated and therefore the center of spectacular creative destruction.  Which drives the statists nuts:  they aren't collecting any rents from it.  Their solution:  elect a 'liberal' who will 'tighten' regulation to 'protect' ....well to protect the ability of rent seeking lawyers and their clients to get rich.  Obama's agenda was so predictable, simply from his hackneyed left wing rhetoric.

A recent list of legislative recommendations from White House Intellectual Property Enforcement Coordinator Victoria Espinel included controversial measures such as expanding federal wiretapping statutes to include copyright offenses and mandating longer prison sentences for offenders.
With leaders in both parties and the White House all marching in lock step toward the need for increasing enforcement efforts, the small but vocal opposition appears unlikely to gain enough traction with its warnings of potential censorship to derail the legislative momentum.
Hey, rubes: Is this what you voted for when you voted for change? Because it’s what you got.

Once again:  vandalism, not leadership.  Hattip Instapundit

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