Tuesday, June 15, 2010

There be "other shoes" droppin' everywhere

One of the inevitable outcomes of a 'legislative' 'process' (I use both terms ironically) as was used for Obamacare is that no one has any idea what screwy stuff is in the law or when it will fall out.

On our heads.

 Here's a classic example:  it turns out that union sponsored health plans are largely exempt from Obamacare regulation (unlike everyone else's).  We find this out now because HHS has just issued the regs.

I find myself channeling Jim Nabors more and more:  "Surprise, surprise, surprise, surprise!".  And I am becoming fluent in "Church Lady"::  "Well isn't that special?"  These 'cats don 't even go through the motions of pretending to seek equality under the law or the common good.  It's just a raw grab to get while the gettin' is good.

Englishmen of a certain age remember what the UK was like during the '70s:  a socialist government actively managing the economy to failure by preferencing unions and government workers.  They describe the a consistent but peculiar response from union members when confronted by people angry at the chaos and self dealing:  They would always shrug their shoulders and say: "Well I've got mine, chum!"

That just about describes out rent seekers, doesn't it?

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