Wednesday, June 30, 2010

On Diversity

We are told that 'diversity is a core value' by our elite 'leaders'.  Yet the same leaders tell us that they expect 'diversity' to result in mathematical equality.  In College sports diversity between men and women must result in the same proportions seeking to play competitively.  Odd.  I would have thought that diversity would suggest that women and men, being 'diverse' would necessarily have different values and prefer different things.  In other words, diversity would yield 'diverse' outcomes.  Now we are told by the feminists that 'diversity' demands mathematical equality in the hard sciences, math and engineering.  49 percent women in the school?  Then 49 percent in these professions.  Strange.  We are told we need women and men and blacks and whites and Muslims and Christians to make up a 'gorgeous mosaic' because they are all different, with differing cultures, values, beliefs and preferences.  But woe betide the institution that in pursuing diverse 'inputs' actually achieves diverse outcomes.  Outcomes must be the same.

The same is true with government policy.  The avatars of 'diversity' seem always to be in favor of single continent wide solutions:  healthcare, welfare, education, drinking age, speed limits, guns, and so on all must have exactly the same outcome regardless of the 'diversity' of values, beliefs and opinions held in different parts of our land.  A tropical island state filled with Asians and Pacific Islanders must do things precisely the same way as a bunch of white and eskimo moose hunters living in the Arctic.  Diversity is 'celebrated' but not allowed.

Of course this isn't just a left wing problem:  righties are all for "federalism" until they want to ban drinking under 21 or criminalize marijuana smoking, then one size fits all.  That being said, the vast majority of the outrages come from the Left.  This isn't because leftists are more irrational or hypocritical than righties, it instead is because first of all, lefties seek more state intervention.  And implementing something once continent-wide is so much faster and more efficient.  Second, the left dominates the culture,  the intelligentsia and the academy thus they have the cultural prestige and power to demand their particular brand of hypocritical conformance.  I have no doubt were the right in the driver's seat, they would behave with equal (if not as expansive) disdain for true diversity.

I have an idea:  the next time one of our 'leaders' tells us that he or she 'values', 'celebrates', or 'promotes' diversity, laugh at them.  I mean what they're saying is a joke, isn't it?

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