Monday, February 22, 2010

Some lesser known things to do in Omaha

My friend Ben leads a pilgrimage to Omaha each spring for the Berkshire Hathaway annual meeting. We usually try to get in a few bits of Buffetnalia - his favorite restaurants, Dairy Queen and so on. This year I propose that we go after some of the more esoteric pilgrimage sites. Here’s a list that I got from some old coot in big glasses playing a ukulele on the street. Probably not all open then, but what the hey.

Wourdes – Pilgrims with diseased portfolios are wheeled into the The Marketslayer’s home to drink from the holy tap. The fount from which all investment returns flow.

The Great Mosque of Munger – The faithful enter the mosque dressed only in a plain white cloth. They circle the Chabaa seven times to signify the seven levels of fundamental risk. Then they ritually stone the Devil of Technical Analysis with small denomination debentures.

The Shroud of Warrin – When El Buffo was a young portfolio manager he used to wrap his fundamental analysis in a plain white cloth woven by his Mom. The investment insights held therein were so powerful that they literally burned an image into the cloth. That image? The profile of a young Warren Buffet in the throes of his investment Passion. The faithful fall to their knees and seek absolution for their investing failures – churning, lack of diversification, sitting on too much cash, momentum investing.

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