Saturday, February 06, 2010

GWB - Imbecile II

No Child Left Behind

Mr. Bush famously partnered with Ted Kennedy (which really should be an imbecelity by itself, as Ms. Kopechne would tell you if she were alive and unpartnered) to pass "Landmark" education reform legislation called "No Child Left Behind".

The essential component was a requirement that that all children score above average on standardized tests as condition for receiving Federal funds. Expert after expert has pointed out that Children's intelligence observes a normal distribution or 'Bell' curve and that the goals laid out in the legislation were simply beyond the cognitive capabilities of a significant minority. In other words, the expectation was biologically impossible.

But the Hammer of Helmand and Scourge of Samarra was having none of this impossible stuff, why he had heard of a district up in Minnesota - Lake Woebegon - where "All the kids are above average" and if a bunch of Yankee snow pounders can do it, so can the boys in Waco.


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