Sunday, February 21, 2010

It is now certain that Iran will get nukes and very soon

Either this is a catastrophe of epic proportions or a non-event. Steyn says catastrophe.
Which it is depends upon:
  1. What the Israeli's do.
  2. Whether we try to stop them.
  3. And if they don't try or we stop them, then whether or not a nuclear device goes off in a city somewhere in the world.
If 3. happens, the "Great Recession" will look like a walk in the park. The global order will collapse like a house of cards.

Characteristically Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and the Democrats are asleep at the wheel. The one certainty is that they will do nothing to stop Iran, the only question is will they actively block Israel from stopping the 'mad mullahs'?

FDR became a 'great' President because his feckless economic policies ensured that a deep recession turned into the Great Depression. Depression helped sow the chaos that led to the rise of the Fascists while our economic weakness meant that we were unwilling to act when acting could have averted catastrophic war. The cruel Irony of FDR is that his incompetent leadership made world war all but inevitable.

It would be an even crueler, more vicious irony if BHO's incompetence and cowardice resulted in his "glorification" as our first 'nuclear war' time President.

But I wouldn't put it past 21st century Schlesingers and Zinns to lie him into it.

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