When last we stopped by Eden your intrepid reporter was ranting at the snake wranglers for buying into a Fall narrative that was less believable than an early Harry Potter storyline. And I was all ready to commit premeditated apostasy or at least agnosticism in the second degree when you guys calmed me down and persuaded me to consult with the ivy covered denizens of bien pensant opinion. But pensant or pissant I am really concerned that this fruit/fall fol-de-rol is getting too weird even for me.
So anyway, I went over and dickered with the plum suckers of Princeton Theological and here's what they had to say.*
Eden Red in Tooth and Claw
So God picks out the first two monkeys to bang the rocks together the right way and calls them Adam and Eve. Great. So we have two Chimps.
So I guess I need to deal with the inevitable plummy complaint that our upjumped forefathers were technically Hominids, not Chimps. And while you're suing me why don't you rustle up some Austroplethici so that we can observe just how sweet they were to their mommas. What? Don't have any Hominids in the closet? None wandering around the herbaceous borders? The closest I've got to us today that I can observe and be horrified by is Chimps so unless you've got your very own Paleolithic Lab and Fun Park, I'm sticking with the old Daktari standby - the standard garden variety Chimpanzee. Besides, Chimps really don't behave that much differently than my cousins in Sallisaw, I mean they'll beat up anybody that wanders over from Talequah and the girls, well, their chimp like behavior is why their brothers beat up anybody that wanders into town.
So as I said before: So we have two Chimps who are now the first humans, representatives of the Triune God to the Universe. Chimps. Have you ever been around Chimps? I mean really hung around them? First of all female Chimps are sluts - they screw every male in range and if the guy isn't in the mood they make him anyway. Imagine how that will go over in Women's Ministries. But don't blame the simian ladies of the night for their promiscuity because Mr. Chimps so to speak will kill any kid that he doesn't have some probability of being dad of, hence the frenzied fucking - they're just trying to keep their kids alive.
Now calm down, Grandad |
So the Old Princetonians say that we're all descended from upjumped simians who ate babies that weren't theirs. Oh joy. But my question is how did they get the promotion? I mean how did anyone get close enough to these utterly nasty creatures to slip them the Neshamah suppository or injection or whatever without getting either mated on or killed? Oh well, since we're here I presume God found a way.
So exactly what happened when the suppositories took? Did Bonzo and Bonzette go from babykilling sluts to Sunday School leaders overnight? Did they suddenly develop a sunny, unsimian outlook on life? Were they now filled with joy and love for their brothers and sisters who were trying to kill them 24/7? Or did Bonzette still put out for the boys in the band? And what happened to Bonzo's inconvenient appetite for baby flesh - did he really go cold turkey because cold turkey tastes nothing like warm baby chimp. Or did he wean himself off of the unweaned slowly, with furtive detours into the occasional Chimpanzee Bar and Baby Grill for a 'nip' of the hair of the chimp that he bit? Hmm.
I'm the McTavish and O'Reilly's Grandad! |
Or perhaps 'original sin' didn't happen the way that we think it did? Because if we listen to the tweedier anthropologists and archaeologists they tell us that of the first truly human remains that they can find bits and pieces of 30% show evidence of violent death. And given that in Chimpland the proportion murdered or if not murdered, then eaten by relatives after they died was probably even higher, it would seem that the best explanation was that the 'sin' slope was downward not to zero and then back up but just a gentle downward slope. Perhaps this original sin thing is more metaphorical?
"Frat" Monkeys?
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Maybe they were Blood Oranges? |
OK, here's part three. Yum, yum, yum!
*Full disclosure: I haven't dickered with anyone from Princeton Theological Seminary since my undergrad roomie went there in my long past youth and back then we usually dickered over what kind of weed he was putting in his pipe. This entire section is a summary of what I think guys who think like those guys thinks about this think piece. I think. Anyway it is what it is and what it ain't is a scholarly journal article whether refereed or broken up by the police.
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