Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Christians AWOL?

Social Security and Medicare are famously going bankrupt. Essentially what has happened is that the older generations, the ones in power in 1935, 1965 and 2002 voted themselves massive amounts of money that they did not earn. They are receiving these bloated payments and passing on to their children and grandchildren the IOUs that they signed but expect their descendants to pay. It must be noted that the people who did this were not the poor, huddled masses of the world, but at each point in time, the richest electorate in the world's history.

Typically if someone says they love their children and grandchildren and then turn around and take money from them without their agreement (or even with their agreement, they're children) and then use it for their own purposes, we consider that to be not only theft or hypocritical theft but among the most vile things a parent or grandparent can do. Yet when the state does it on their behalf it is legal.

But not moral.

But my question is where are the Christians? Where are the thundering Jeremiad's from the pulpit? This is a great injustice perpetrated by the richest and most powerful electorates in the history of the world against the voiceless, weak and powerless. Their children. Let me say that again: their children. Their grand children.

What an incredible moral catastrophe. One that implicates millions of Christians, righteous stalwarts of the faith.

Where are the pastors? The theologians? The great lions of the Church? If we won't speak out against the looting, who will?

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