Monday, December 28, 2009

Once Again: Using the "legal" system to overturn the people's will

Prepare yourself for the "Carbon Tort" - an attempt to overturn the law of the people through the activities of lawyers. Money graf from the WSJ:

What unites these cases is the creativity of their legal chain of causation and their naked attempts at political intimidation. "My hope is that the court case will provide a powerful incentive for polluters to be reasonable and come to the table and seek affordable and reasonable reductions," Mr. Blumenthal told the trade publication Carbon Control News. "We're trying to compel measures that will stem global warming regardless of what happens in the legislature."

These 'cats are seeking to use the courts to win what they are manifestly losing in the court of public opinion. Like with Roe and Dred Scott, a "victory" here will just ensure endless hatred and strife.

What a "Progressive" policy. Power to the lawyers!

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