Wednesday, April 24, 2019

The Russians' not-so-secret plan to drive energy prices higher

One of the reasons I found the accusation that Trump was colluding with the Russians so ludicrous was because it is manifestly in Russia's interest that the US and Canada reduce their production of oil, gas and coal (and uranium, the Clintons remind me helpfully from their counting house "one hundred million and twenty dollars, one hundred million forty, one hundred mil...hey how much does Barack have now? Too much, count faster...") 

Russia has in fact given millions to anti fracking and anti pipeline groups in both countries. Who supported....BHO and HRC.

Who actively opposed coal production, new pipelines and exploration offshore and on federal lands. Not to mention their allies in CA and NY who have banned new production and new pipelines full stop in two of the most promising regions for oil and gas production in the world.

While Trump has loudly (does he do anything quietly?) supported expanding hydrocarbon production going so far as to challenge northeastern and CA pipeline bans  which have led to high prices and shortages of natural gas in those states. 

Me, I say let 'em freeze in the dark. It will be a salutary lesson in reality. A commodity Dems are sorely lacking. As evidenced by the hysteria over Trump "helping" the Russians by pursuing policies that have halved the price of the only thing they produce that's worth anything.

Yet the media present Dems as the foreign policy "realists". I do not believe that word means what they think it does.

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Is the Dental Cartel taking us to the (teeth) cleaners?

Looks like it. More half dressed emperors. "Trust us, we're the cartel".

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Empty Suit

....nice shoes, though. H/T Instapundit

CNN: Mueller’s report looks bad for Obama.“The partisan warfare over the Mueller report will rage, but one thing cannot be denied: Former President Barack Obama looks just plain bad. On his watch, the Russians meddled in our democracy while his administration did nothing about it.”

But to be fair, he did mock Mitt Romney for worrying about the Russians.

If you think Trump is bad....

Trump is a product of half the country throwing up their hands in frustration to the inert, corrupt, self validating Federal technocracy. The superstate responded by using their power illegally to first smear his campaign and then attempt a soft coup.

But Bernie Sanders was the first to be screwed by this anti MAGA megastate: BHO allowed the Clintons to buy the DNC and install their own loyalists at the top, turning the Dem primaries into a travesty. For a time Bernie's team couldn't even get access to the DNC's polling data that was suppose to be available to all candidates.

And now Bernie's back and the central state, badly wounded by its coup failure is bleeding credibility while its boosters desperately try to change the subject back to "orange man bad", shrieking for "impeachment".

This piece argues that what happened to Rs last time could happen to Ds this time.

So when it does will all of the corporatist boosters of the superstate suddenly become strict Federalists?  Or do they cut a deal with Bernie? An erstwhile ally of.....the Russians? 

I'd like to believe there's just some things they won't do but I never believed they'd go this far. Power is so corrupting.