Friday, February 22, 2019

The Federal state's attempted putsch.... pushing large numbers of people like me off the fence, makes Trump's reelection far more likely.

Absent this travesty, Trump's crude behavior would be the story among swings like me. But nothing Trump has done or conceivably will do can match the Secret Police and Ministry of "Justice's" partisan abuse of their power.

Of course all of this simply accelerates the slide to elective monarchy. But Dems don't care about that, they openly long for another FDR and New Deal, when the President was all but unassailable and much of the independent (of Congress) administrative state was set up.

Of course FDR explicitly said that he was simply following Wilson's "war socialism" with its political prisoners and lynchings of "enemies".  But we were fortunate that Wilson's brutal, racist centralism was followed by true liberals Harding and Coolidge who dismantled the regime. 

Sadly, there are no true liberals today. Just different flavors of authoritarian centralist thugs who will make us be "good".

Even the worshipful biographer of the NY Sun is saying so! And he's a Canadian!

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