Tuesday, May 08, 2018

Scneiderman, Spitzer and Weiner Oh My!

State Attorney General Eric Schneiderman called his Sri Lankan girlfriend his “brown slave” and wanted her to refer to him as “Master,” the woman says.

And when you recall libido in Chief Bill Clinton moved to NYC as soon as he left office it hits you: NYC "progressives" are sure regressive when it comes to their sex lives.

That's the male celebrity left in general, something on the order of 99% of all the credible #metoo charges out there are against men (and the occasional woman) of the left. (Eric Greitens the new, embattled Governor of Missouri seems to be the lone exception - well then there is an almost 40 year old accusation against Roy Moore made during an election campaign).

But the real question is why did all those supposedly "feminist" women tolerate so much abuse from so many powerful people for so long? Why were feminists willing to overlook the obvious abuses (including all the time  Bill Clinton spent on a convicted and imprisoned pedophile's  Lolita Express and Lolita Island)?

Power. I have long argued that the Democrats have ceased being the party of the "little guy" and in fact are simply the party of state power. And the deal for the party of State Power is that the powerful people that congregate there get what they want.

Indeed Donald Trump was a long time Democrat until his lust for power (and pornstar sex) combined with circumstances to cause him to flip and run as a Republican.

To my way of thinking the reaction of Dems towards his victory is more than just anger at losing, it's the rage of a party against the traitor or apostate. And the paradox is that the rage has driven Trump - a natural wheeler dealer power maven - to betray his natural constituency.

And where are Republicans and conservatives? As Bush partisans used to chant "home in bed with their wives" and with their modest, power-lite agendas.

But can you blame all these men for choosing to be Democrats? Until recently it offered them a shot at power and sex with few constraints or downsides. And becoming a Republican? Booooring. Because if a Republican trips up or hurts or heaven forbid kills a woman (Ted Kennedy) there will be no prestigious feminists to shout "it's just about sex". And the press, my God, the press will crucify you.

"How is it that we hear the loudest yelps for feminism among the worst exploiters of women?" Isn't it obvious: "that's the way you get the most action".

Lord forgive me but I find it all so very funny. Schneidermanpalooza here.

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